Please note when purchasing Can Can! Table Seating at Moulin Rouge! The Musical:

  • Seats are extremely close to the stage and surrounded on all sides by the action onstage.
  • Each Can Can! Table has two seats and Can Can! Seats can only be purchased in multiples of two.
  • Can Can! Table Seating is divided into two areas on either side of an extended runway in what would usually be the location of the orchestra pit.
  • Once the show begins, your exit will be restricted by runway bridges that are closed around the Can Can! Table Seating area during much of the performance.
  • Even when the bridges open, we ask that you do not leave your seats outside of intermission except in an emergency. You will also need to remain in your seats throughout the bows and finale.
  • Can Can! Table Seating ticket holders will need to arrive at the theatre no later than 30 minutes prior to show performance time. After this time, at management’s sole discretion, any empty Can Can! Table Seating locations may be offered to other patrons.
  • There will be no late seating in the Can Can! Table Seating area after the commencement of each act of the performance due to the scenic obstruction and in order to ensure the safety of the performers. You may be required to stand in designated locations or be provided with alternate seating (if available) until the intermission break (or for the duration of the performance), at management’s sole discretion.
  • No physical contact with the runways or stage is allowed. You may not place any belongings (e.g., programs, drinks, food, phone, bag) on the runways or stage at any time before or during the performance.
  • Space in the Can Can! Table Seating area is limited. Any large backpacks, shopping bags, large packages, or bulky outerwear will need to be cloaked upon arrival.
  • Can Can! Table Seating is not wheelchair accessible nor suitable for patrons with accessibility requirements or guide dogs/support animals.
  • Patrons under 12 years of age, and infants on laps are not permitted in the Can Can! Table Seating area.
  • Each performance of Moulin Rouge! The Musical contains strobing effects, low fog, smoke, confetti and pyrotechnics.
  • Photography and video or audio recordings are strictly prohibited.